Import/Export Customer Special Pricing

Last modified at August 16th, 2023


This document walks through the process of exporting contractor pricing from Decor Fusion and importing changes through Price Import/Export.


To access the import/export function go to the Pricing menu then select Price Import/Export:

 A screenshot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated

 Select Contract Prices on the right, below the Price Lists option. New options will appear which include Regular, Matrix or Both and a Include Sales Data checkbox. Select a Contract Price type.


By default, all customer Contract pricing will be exported. If Include Sales Data is selected, then some other options become available as seen below. These options include the number of months ending on a certain date and which salesman’s data to show. 


A screenshot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated

 Export can also be filtered using the options on the left hand side, such as Department, Class, Fine Line, etc. To filter by Customer simply enter the customer number in the box provided or click on the button with three dots to bring up the customer search window.

 Click the Export Data button when ready. A file name will be required and when finished a prompt will display to open the Excel file.

 When the exported Excel file is opened, it will look like the sample below.

A screenshot of a spreadsheetDescription automatically generated

Importing Special Pricing using Exported Spreadsheet


If you are adding new records by exporting out a spreadsheet like the one above and then adding new lines, the following columns must be filled in:


  • Customer
    • This is the Customer Number
    • Although the Name column is included by default when exporting, it is not required
  • Job
  • Item
  • Pricing Type
    • Options are Fixed Price, Dollar Off, Gross Margin, Percent Off
  • Price Level
    • If Pricing Type is Dollar Off or Percent Off, the Price Level column will need to be completed with the proper Price Level from which you want to base your price.
    • If Pricing Type is Fixed Price or Gross Margin, this column can be left blank
  • Price/Discount

 If needed, you can also fill in any of the other columns, such as Job or Job Name.

Importing Special Pricing using New Spreadsheet

 If you are creating a new spreadsheet from scratch, the following columns are mandatory (in any order):

  •  Customer
    • This is the Customer Number
    • You can include a column with the customer Name but it is not required
  • Job
    • If the special pricing does not apply to a specific job, this column can be left blank. 
    • You do not need to include a column for Job Name but optionally can
  • Item
  • U/M
    • Unit of Measure
  • Pricing Type
    • Options are Fixed Price, Dollar Off, Gross Margin, Percent Off
  • Price Level
    • If Pricing Type is Dollar Off or Percent Off, the Price Level column will need to be completed with the proper Price Level from which you want to base your price.
    • If Pricing Type is Fixed Price or Gross Margin, this column can be left blank. 
  • Price/Discount

Here is an example of what the spreadsheet can look like. Note that the Job and Price Level fields are blank as this price is being added for all jobs for this customer and is not for a specific Price Level:

A screenshot of a tableDescription automatically generated

 If the spreadsheet is missing a mandatory column, you will receive an error that looks like this: 

A screenshot of a computer errorDescription automatically generated

 Also note that the Sheet must be named Contract_Pricing:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated 

Importing Spreadsheet

To Import the contract pricing spreadsheet, select Price Import/Export from the Pricing Menu. Select the Import Tab and click the Upload Data button. Select the spreadsheet to import and click the Open button.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

If the report is error free, click the Commit Changes button.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Click the Yes button to the warning which will be displayed stating “This action cannot be undone! Are you sure?


  1. Contract pricing templates can easily be made using the steps in this document. Once you create the desired contract pricing on a customer, export the contract pricing for that customer and save. The exported file can then be imported for another customer by changing the Customer column to match the customer number in Décor Fusion. If the pricing will be for a specific job then the Job column must be changed to match the specific Job Number.
  2. Customers and Jobs must exist in Decor Fusion before importing data back in.



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