How to Handle Pour Off's

Last modified at June 19th, 2020


This document goes over a couple of different methods for handling pour offs in Decor Fusion.


Before we get into how to handle a pour off lets first define what a pour off is. A pour off is when you take a 5 Gallon container of paint for example and pour it into 5 smaller 1 gallon units. So with that understanding how can we accomplish this Decor Fusion. There are two methods we can use.

Method 1 - Using Inventory Transaction

The first method uses the inventory transaction function in Decor Fusion. This function can be found under the Daily Work menu. Once in the transaction screen enter your POS code and select the adjustment option. Enter Pour Off in the reference field. Enter the 5 gallon product with 1 being removed and then enter the 1 gallon product with 5 being added. Click the OK button to finalize transaction.

Method 2 - Using Store Use Customer

The second method involves a similar process to writing off paint and uses the Store Use customer.  First we need to create a new job called Pour Off for the STORE customer. Click the Customer button at the top of Decor and type STORE in the customer number search field. Once the customer is pulled up click on the Jobs tab. Click the New button and fill in the job number and for name put Pour Off.

Now that this complete go to point of sale. Enter your POS code and then enter STORE for the customer. Select the Pour Off job. In line 1 enter the 5 gallon product to sell. On line 2 enter 5 1 Gallon containers as a negative quantity to "return' them. Complete the sale.

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