Where can I find Daily Reports?

Last modified at May 5th, 2020

The end of the day has come and you need to find out how you did for sales today.  To see your strict sales values for the day you can run the Daily Store Sales Summary report.  This can be found under Daily Work menu.

The report looks like this:

You can see the store, total tickets, total sales, total cost, the margin and margin %. 

Another report you may need to run at end of day is the Daily Bank Deposit report. This can also be found under the Daily Work menu.

The report looks like this:

This report gives you a breakdown of transactions by Method of Tender. It shows how monies were collected, whether by sales or account payments or deposits.  As well as how much was charged to in-store accounts.

If you want to see sales by product department then under the Daily Work menu there is also a Daily Product Sales Summary report. This report is similar to the Daily Store Sales Summary but summarizes by department instead of store.

On any of the above reports you can drill down to see more detailed information on the line items.

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