Create a Daily Clerk Sales Report

Last modified at March 24th, 2023


This article shows how to build and OLAP report for sales by clerk that can be run daily.



Use OLAP Sales Analysis to create a Cube.

  1. Open Decor Fusion and click on Reports in the menu
  2. Select OLAP Sales Analysis
  3. Under Cube Criteria tab fill the following:
    1. Under Sales Period enter dates
    2. Optionally data can be pre filtered under Prefilter Cube Data
    3. Under Detail Level section select Include Clerk Detail
    4. Click Build Cube button.

  1. Sales Analysis Cube tab will open
  2. Now only items that are required will have to be pulled on to the Cube
    1. Drag Order Clerk and Sale Clerk between Month and Sales

  1. Results as shown. Note Order Clerk user KB created the order and Sale Clerk user CBC completed the sale.



  1. To print this grid press the Print button.
  2. To save this view for future use click Saved Views button, give the view a name and click Save. This can then be recalled after building a cube by click the saem Saved Views button.


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