Colorant Valuation in Decor Fusion

Last modified at March 14th, 2022


Details: Options for colorant valuation in Décor Fusion

There are currently 3 ways in Décor Fusion in which you can track your colorant usage. They are:

  1. Not Active

  2. Simple Costing/Pricing

  3. Tint Cost Codes

To select the method you will be using for colorant valuation direct yourself in Décor Fusion along the following path: Edit, Software Settings, Company Settings and the Point of Sale tab.

From the drop down menu, select the option that your store will be utilizing.  

Differences between Options:

  1. Not Active – the most popular option selected by our clients.  If you choose the ‘Not Active’ option then Tint Costing is not tracked.  You will have to determine an average colorant value and factor the amount into your standard cost and pricing.  The company will get the true cost by receiving the colorant into stock.  When the tint is used, you will need to process a POS sale transaction to a special write off customer called Store and change the job to Colorant Used.  The Store customer should be in the default database with the appropriate jobs created.  This transaction will now process as $0.00 invoice but will hit both the COGS and the Inventory Asset accounts on your General Ledger.

  1. Simple Costing/Pricing – this feature allows you to set an additional Tint Cost and Tint Price on each item which you flag as ‘Can Be Tinted’.  This setting can either be set at the Department or Item level.  The value is automatically added on the cost and price of the item at the time of sale in POS.  The fields ‘Can Be Tinted’, ‘Tint Cost’, and ‘Tint Price’ can be selected and added into the system in a special spreadsheet which CBC Computer Systems can export for you to complete.

If you are pricing at the department level, direct yourself in Décor Fusion along the following path: Edit, Software Settings, Inventory, and then Departments.  Select the appropriate department that will be tinted, click Properties and the department will open.  

Check the “Can Be Tinted” option.  Repeat for all applicable paint departments if your inventory is separated into multiple paint departments.

If you are costing by inventory item, bring up the individual item in the inventory screen and on the Properties tab, under Point of Sale, select Yes in the drop down that the item Can Be Tinted. This field may also be set in the department as previously shown.

Then, on the Pricing and Costs tab, enter the Tint Price and Tint Cost for the item.

This option requires a lot of administration due to the fact you must maintain the Tint Cost and Price on every item.  

  1. Tint Cost Codes – this feature allows you to setup a matrix of Tint Cost/Price and Unit of Measure.  Once the feature is enabled in the company settings, Tint Code Groups is shown in the Software Settings under Inventory section.

Before setting up Tint Code Groups, the setup of Units of Measure will need to be completed, choosing which units of measure are valid for Tint Codes.  Units of Measure selection can be found at the following path: Edit, Software Settings, Inventory, and Units of Measure.  Select the unit of measure by clicking on the selection to activate it, click Properties and the unit of measure will open.  Check the “Valid for Tint Cost Codes” option.  Please repeat for all applicable units of measure that are valid for tint cost codes.

You can create as many matrixes as are required (perhaps you carry different lines of paints that use different tints).  You then can setup the cost and price you want to add on to a product based on the unit of measure.  For example:

You will then assign the Tint Codes to either individual items or to the Department. If assigning by department it will look as follows:

If assigning to the individual item, the inventory item will look as follow:

When selling the item which is either flagged for Tint Codes or the Department is set to have Tint Codes, a prompt will appear at POS asking if the product being purchased is to be tinted or not.  If it is, your clerk will need to select which level “code” of tint was used from the drop down.  Conversely, if you prefer to have the default in your system changed to reflect as tinted automatically, please contact the Support Department or your Project Manager and they can reset your default prompt to reflect as tinted.  (Reference for Implementation and Support staff Script #014)

On the POS screen, the tint price will be added to both the list and unit prices on the screen.  Tint cost is then tracked in the background.

If you wish to activate this option, impress upon your clerks the importance of selecting the correct tint code.  If your clerks are not keen on detail, they may default to the first selection on the list.  Most owners don’t want to leave this to chance.  

If your employees are diligent, this is the option to use.  It is relatively easy to maintain.

Please note: Both the Simple and Tint Cost Code methods will require the entry of the General Ledger account numbers for Tint Cost as these costs are included in the General Ledger Summary.  

The cost values are also broken out separately in the Daily Sales Journal when printed in detail as well as in the General Ledger.  

For both the Simple Costing and the Tint Cost Codes methods, if you are receiving the tint into your stock, we recommend removing the tint from stock by processing a return PO and marking that PO as deleted in AP Vouchers so that it is not exported to your Accounting Software.  This would remove the product from inventory without affecting sales.   The return PO is a separate transaction from the original receipt and payment when the tint was originally received into inventory; the return PO is to remove the tint from inventory only.

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