Day Store Sales Summary vs. Daily Product Sales Summary

Last modified at May 6th, 2020


This article compares the Daily Store Sales Summary and Daily Product Sales Summary reports in Decor Fusion.


Throughout this article, the difference between Daily Store Sales Summary and Daily Product Sales Summary will be reviewed.

First the Daily Store Sales Summary allows for filtering by Reporting Period where as the Daily Product Sales Summary allows for filtering by Reporting Period and the Store.

At the highest level both reports provide a snapshot into sales for the day. The Daily Store Sales Summary report provides a a snapshot of sales by store, showing total sales, total cost and margin.

The Daily Product Sales Summary by contrast provides sales detail by department. It gives us The department, total items sold, total sales dollars, total cost and margins.

When drilled down on these two reports display the information differently. The Daily Store Sales Summary displays a breakdown of tickets by reference then customer.

By contrast the Daily Product Sales Summary provides a breakdown of the sales by line item in the department that was drilled down on.

In both reports you can use the binocular icon at the top to search for specific terms. Both of these reports are useful in different ways. The daily store sales summary can be used to see if there is issues at a particular store while the daily product sales summary can be useful for determine if there is issues in a a particular department.

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