How to Setup Resale Tax

Last modified at May 6th, 2020


This document will show you how to setup Decor Fusion to use the Resale Tax feature.


First setup the Resale Tax amount in Decor Fusion. Go to Software Settings found under the Edit menu.

Next, expand the Taxes section, and click on Tax Codes. Click to highlight the tax code you want to set with resale taxation, and click the Properties button.

Under the Resale Rate type in the rate the customer is to be charged then click OK.

Now items that are ‘Resale Rate’ applicable can either be setup at the Department level or the individual Inventory Item.

Department Level Setup

To set the Resale Taxation on a department click on Edit, Software Settings and on Inventory. In here you will select the department you want to set up and double click on it, or click Properties.

Once there, under the Item Defaults, click the drop down for Taxable and select Resale Applicable.

Inventory Item Level Setup

To set the Resale Taxation on an individual item click on Inventory Maintenance. Use one of the searching tools to find the item and either double click to open or click Properties to open it.

Once in the item, on the Properties tab, click to expand the Taxes section. On the drop down select Resale Applicable and click OK to save.

Customer Setup

To complete the setup we need to set the applicable customers with the Resale Taxable rate. From the main menu, click on Customer Maintenance or click on the Customers menu and select Customer Maintenance.

Select the customer you want to setup with the Resale Taxable rate. Either double click, or select Properties.

On the Properties tab expand the Taxes section. In the drop down of Tax Status, please select Resale Applicable.

Once you change to Resale Applicable, you should enter the Tax Exempt Number and Tax Exempt Group. It is not mandatory, but it is a best practice. This will apply to all new jobs that are setup for the customer as a default. However for any existing jobs, or for any customers that are Taxable but have a job that should be charged the Resale Tax rate, open the Jobs tab. On each job, select it and expand the Taxes section. Click the drop down, select Resale Applicable, and click OK to save. Again, we suggest you enter the Tax Exempt Number and Tax Exempt Group.

Finally, at Point of Sale you may need to manually override for a customer. In the POS screen, after you have added the customer, and hit Mics [F3]. This will give you the Tax Status to change to Resale Applicable and then enter the Tax Exempt Number and Tax Exempt Group. Click OK and continue with the sale.

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