Store Closing Processes

Last modified at February 15th, 2023


This document provides a brief look at what processes should be completed and what reports should be run prior to the closing date of store.


First ensure all open transactions are completed, this includes:

  • AP Vouchering
  • Exporting of all files from Decor Fusion and importing into Accounting Software

The following reports are recommended to be run and saved as PDF documents(likely on a month by month basis for some such as Sales Journal)

  • Account Payments Journal
  • Customer Order Deposits
  • Purchase Journal
  • Sales Journal
  • Inventory Valuation
  • Aged Analysis
  • General Ledger Summary
  • Purchase Accrual
  • Tax Remittance

The balances of the reports above should match chosen accounting software.

Setup an automatic reply in store email advising the store is no longer open(if applicable).

If the above procedures are completed in advance of cut off deadline please let Decor Fusion Support know.

Safely store backup data for future use;(for cloud customers this would be the extracts of all the above reports); Epicor Software will not save a copy of your data if needed in the future.

If credit card processing is no longer required, contact the Credit Card Merchant Services Provider being used and cancel the contract with them. Epicor Software takes no responsibility for fees incurred for failing to cancel Credit Card Merchant Services contracts.

Please be advised that once Cloud decommissioning process is compete Decor Fusion access will no longer be possible. Ensure all pertinent documents for records have been printed out//saved/exported prior to the decommissioning date.

For On Prem  installations if the computers are being kept by previous owner then all history will be accessible. If the store was sold and new owner is taking ownership of equipment then the above reports should be run to store the history.

If you need more information on billing or want to ensure we are aware of the billing end date please contact Epicor's billing department using the information below:

Questions about your invoice or account?

Customer Portal:

Phone1-888-354-5812 option 4

Questions About Payment Information


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