Software Settings (Decor Fusion Options)

Last modified at August 18th, 2020


This document is an outline of settings within Decor available for optional features to be active. These options will require you to contact Decor Fusion Support to enable. If you are unsure of what optional features are active on your system go to Help > About and click the Software Settings button. All active features will be displayed.

Software Settings

Eco Fees By Tax Jurisdiction – Feature ID 001
This allows separate eco fees to be setup and applied by tax jurisdiction. 

Suppress Customer Balance on POS Screen – Feature ID 005 
This suppresses the overdue customer balance message in the POS screen.
In POS screen without suppressing the balance:

In POS screen, suppressing the balance:

Nickel Rounding on Cash Tickets – Feature ID 008 

This is used by Canadian and Australian customers, as pennies are no longer in circulation.

The options are no rounding, normal rounding, rounding down or rounding up. All countries default to normal rounding if not defined specifically.

In the example below, the total of the transaction is $39.66, but since the payment method of Cash is selected, the sale amount is rounded down to $39.65.

In the example below, the total of the transaction is $39.66, and since the payment method of Credit Card is selected, the sale amount remains at $39.66. On Account and Check payment methods perform in the same manner.

Customer User Fields Active – Feature ID 010 

Enable the use of up to 10 customer user fields to be defined for filtering and grouping purposes in conjunction with the Customer Search screen. This adds an additional filtering option(s) within the Customer Search screen:

You can customize these fields to your needs for reporting purposes.

All maintenance of these fields must be done using the Enterprise Implementation Utilities, which will require installation by CBC Support. This feature is only applicable to non Cloud customers.

Inventory User Fields Active – Feature ID 011 

Enable the use of up to 10 inventory user fields to be defined for filtering and grouping purposes in Inventory Imports/Exports in conjunction with the Inventory Search screen. The behavior and restrictions are the same as the Customer user fields above.

Quantity Break Discounts Off List Price Level – Feature ID 012

When active, quantity break discounts are calculated from the List Price. Normal behavior is that the discount is taken from the customer default price level.

POS Customer Name Formatting – Feature ID 015 

To determine formatting of Customer name. The options are proper casing, upper casing, upper proper casing, or leave as entered. The default is set to proper casing. This setting also affects Job detail, Vendor detail and Customer email.

POS Tax Exempt Number Mandatory – Feature ID 017 

Enforces completion of tax exempt number and tax exempt group when tax status is retail applicable or tax exempt at the customer and/or job levels. If you click on OK in a Customer Record after having set the Customer to Tax Exempt, this text box pops up.

Benjamin Moore CCP Rebate Level – Feature ID 013

An optional record which allows retailers to restrict the records returned by the rebate extract and only show sales lines where the unit price was sold below a threshold dollar amount. These will be the sales that are going to be rebated. This coincides with Inventory User Fields.

PO Show Yearly Sales On Line Entry – Feature ID 026 

Enables the display of inventory store sales last year for this line item. In the example below, the feature has been enabled.

In the example below, the feature hasn’t been enabled:

POS Tax Override – Feature ID 034 

This adds a line taxable prompt in POS when overriding tax in POS screen. Optionally, you can make this only available by hot key (Ctrl-T) or Not Available.

When you are in the POS screen and you enter an item number, this box will pop up with the following options. This does not appear if you don’t have this feature enabled.

POS Allow Instant Backorders – Feature ID 040

This is used to allow the entry of backorders when entering new tickets. Below the feature has been enabled:

The feature has not been enabled here:

POS Hide Discount/List Columns – Feature ID 041 

This feature enables the ability to override the POS visibility of the List and Discount columns. In this example, the default was used, no columns were hidden.

In this example, List and Discount columns have both been hidden:

Customer Max Address Lines – Feature ID 037 

This allows three address lines. The default is two lines.

POS Customer Wildcard Search – Feature ID 039 

Allows override of Customer Search screen. There are two different options: Default name search is ‘begins with’ and default name search is ‘contains’. Enabling this setting antiquates the use of ‘%’ characters in search fields.

Monthly Rollup Invoices Active – Feature ID 046 

Activate the Monthly Rollup Invoice feature. This feature allows you to consolidate all On Account POS transactions, within a specified date range, into a single invoice with multiple lines.

Once you rollup the invoices, the aging tab removes the detailed Packing Slip lines and replaces them with one monthly rollup invoice line. All invoice details can still be found on the History Tab.

POS Number of Active Jobs Before Advanced Search – Feature ID 009 

Limits active jobs loading for efficiency.

In the POS screen, once you select your customer you can see the field ‘Job Name’. There are three dots at the end of this field that you can click on and the next screen will list all jobs that are associated with this Customer. If there are many jobs listed, it takes awhile to load them all. With this feature enabled, it limits the jobs that load to ones that are active.

POS Tinted Checked By Default – Feature ID 014 

Sets POS default tinted prompt behavior. When this feature is enabled, an item that can be tinted gets this prompt in the POS screen. In the Prompt Group, there is a check box for whether or not an item can be tinted.

PO Price Sticker Format – Feature ID 028 

Specifies custom label name for price stickers used by the purchase order when receiving inventory.

After you receive a PO, you will be prompted to print label:

POS Quantity Break Inactive for Store – Feature ID 031 

By default quantity break discounts are available for all stores. This allows the ability to not have the quantity break feature available for specific stores.

Delivery Use Customer Tax Jurisdiction – Feature ID 032 

Used for delivered, installed or drop shipped orders. Use customer job, customer or store tax jurisdiction if available. When the Sale is set to Pickup, the tax is calculated based on the stores’ tax jurisdiction.

When the Sale is setup for Delivery, the tax is calculated based on the customers’ tax jurisdiction.

POS Legacy Footer Discounts Active – Feature ID 045

Legacy footer discounts available. This is only visible when the feature is enabled. The Footer Discounts can be set up in Edit menu  then Software Settings then select Point Of Sale section  and choose POS Footer Discounts.

In POS screen, enter a ticket as normal, then press Misc. (F3) button.

In this screen, you can select the POS Footer Discount that was setup.

PO Default Re-Order Quantity – Feature ID 047 

By default if the item has zero re-order quantity then re-order quantity defaults to 1. By adding this feature, the default re-order quantity can be changed to a decimal value. This is generally used for flooring customers.

PO Null Required Date – Feature ID 048 

The Default value of the Req Date field is ASAP if a valid date is not entered. With this feature active you can change the default value from ASAP to what ever you want, i.e. TBD, when no valid date is entered.

Auto Purge Open Orders – Feature ID 080 

You can set the number of days old an open order has to be before it is purged automatically. This cleans up the order search screen. An entry is made in the System Log to let you know how many were purged. All purged orders are visible in the Voided Order report.

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