Customer Job Inquiry

Last modified at March 10th, 2023


This article explains how Customer Job Inquiry works inDecor Fusion. This feature is used to show information about any Job for anyCustomer that has been created in Decor. 


The Customer Job Inquiry is found within the menu option Customers:

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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Here is what Customer Job Inquiry looks like when opened:Graphical user interface, text, application

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If you press Search without specifying any search parameters, all active jobs for all customers will appear:



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Pressing the Show Inactive and Expired checkbox will show any job set to Inactive or past it’s Expiry Date. Below is a screenshot with the checkbox checked. When comparing the above screenshot and below, you can see there are two additional jobs – one for customer PROTECH (JobLAKE) and one for customer GREAT (Job OO01)



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If you right-click on one of the column headers and select Column Chooser, you can add the columns Expires and Inactive to show why the Job is expired and/or inactive:

Graphical user interface, table

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You can also use the Column Chooser to show a number of other columns as desired (or remove default columns).


Note that the above screenshot was taken on 10/07/2022. The newly added columns provide the following information:


-         Job Lake expired on 9/30/2007 

-         Job OO01 expired on 12/31/2014

-         Job for customer FRANKLY has an expiry of 10/12/2022

o  Has not yet expired 

-         No Jobs are Inactive


Using any of the Search fields at the top and pressing Search will narrow the results of the Inquiry. For example, here’s what is shown when Customer GREAT is searched for:


Graphical user interface, table

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