How can I determine commission for my sales persons?

Last modified at May 25th, 2020

NOTE: If you are not sure how to create a sales person or assign a salesperson to a customer see the related articles.

You have created sales persons and they have been bringing in both new customers and old customers to your store. But how can you find out the commission they have earned? You have to assigned the salesperson to their customers in Decor to determine this. 

To find the commission report, go to the Reports menu then select Report Selector. From there, expand the Commissions and Spiffs section and double click the Commission report.

This will bring up the report criteria screen. Select your reporting period and any other filters you would like to use then click Preview to generate the report. Note: More filters can be found under the Advanced Filter tab. The report looks like this:

Also note that the calculations from this report is not part of the General Ledger export file.  A manual entry will need to be created in your accounting software to either accrue or pay out the amount.

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