Contractor Portal Usage Guide

Last modified at September 14th, 2022


Details: This document has been designed for Decor Fusion clients to share with their contractors who have been added to the CBC Customer Portal.  It will assist the contractors in navigating and preforming their maintenance as needed. 


The Contractor Portal is a self-service website that allows you access to view, print and or download your invoices or statements any time of day. It is accessible using your desktop or mobile device. 

The site is 

Once the page opens, the following is your screen to enter the email and password that was provided to you and click Log in.

Once logged in, there is a quick menu along the top, with all the options that can also be found just below the Welcome bar. 

The next section of the document will take you through the different section of the portal and how to retrieve your information. 

My Profile 

In this section, you can add new users and manage users that have been setup. 

To add a new email, type the email address in the Add Email section and make sure you click on the green arrow to add. 

Once added, a welcome email is sent out almost immediately to the customer with a link to setup his or her own password.

By clicking the green lock under the Status column, you can choose to lock or unlock any user. Clicking the trash can will remove the log on completely. 


The purple number found just above the titles indicates how many invoices have yet to be reviewed. Once in the invoice section, it is indicated by the purple star under the New column. 

Anyone that receives roll up invoices will only see the invoice once the roll up action has been performed by the store. Packing slips do not appear on the portal. 

You can also search any of the fields to pull up an invoice: 

Date Range

Invoice Number

Job Name

Purchase Order

Store (purchased from)

Once your search criteria has been entered, click the Apply button for your results.

To multi select invoices, you have two choices: click the check marks to make the desired invoices green. 

Or to select all invoices, click the checkbox on the heading row. It will check all invoices.

Once selected, you can choose to open the invoices in Adobe, or export into Excel by clicking on the icon you wish to use.

By clicking Adobe, you can then choose to print or save the invoices selected. In excel, it is much easier to do your own Job Costing.


The purple number found just above the titles indicates how many statements have yet to be reviewed. It is also represented by the purple star under the New column.  

Within the statements, similar to the invoices, you can multi select (indicated by the green check mark) but unlike the invoices, you can only view these in Adobe; they are not available in Excel. 


This allows a search to be performed using any of the following data: 

Date Range

Job Name


Invoice Number

Purchase Order


Once you search criteria has been entered, click the Apply button for your results. Any records that match will appear in the data grid below and can be opened with Adobe by clicking on the Adobe icon.

The above noted search criteria does accept the wildcard feature, or percentage sign (%), to assist in searching similar to Decor Fusion.

Contact Us

This feature generates an email directly to the retailer directly which is monitored so you can ask them any questions you need. Once you have typed your message, click Submit.

Need Help?

This section provides a user assistance video for the portal and how to use it. Feel free to watch the short video on how to use and click around within the portal.

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