Contractor Portal – Retailer User Guide

Last modified at December 3rd, 2021


The Contractor Portal is a self-service website that allows any contractor the ability to view, print and download their invoices or statements any time of day. Contractors can also make payments on their account, for an additional monthly fee. The Contractor Portal is accessible via an Internet browser using a desktop or mobile device.

This document is designed for retailers who have access to the Contractor Portal. It will assist you in navigating and performing maintenance as needed.

This document describes:

  • How to access the Contractor Portal
  • How to configure retailer settings
  • How to set up your contractors so that they may access the Contractor Portal. Contractor Portal access can be provided to any of your customers regardless of whether they have a charge account or whether they are retail or commercial type.
  • the screens and usage of the ‘Payments’ feature available on the Contractor Portal.

** Please note that the terms “Customer Portal” and “Contractor Portal” may be used interchangeably.

Note: Contractor Portal web address is:

How to Access the Contractor Portal

Once you have requested access to the Contractor Portal, CBC will configure your software accordingly. Once the configuration has been completed, you will receive a welcome message sent to your retailer email address that provides the link to the Contractor Portal. You will be able to assign your own password at this time.

You will also see a new option under Software Settings called “Customer Portal”. This screen is password protected and is only configurable by CBC staff.

Follow the directions in your welcome email to change your password and logon to the Contractor Portal.

Once logged in, you will see a screen similar to the following:

My Profile Settings

From here, you may click on “My Profile” where you can configure things like your splash page image/video and ad banners as desired:

  • Splash Page Media
    • Upload an image or videos to be displayed at the bottom of the Welcome page of the Contractor Portal which will be seen by every contractor that logs into the portal.
  • Ad Banner Settings
    • You can set the display duration for any uploaded banners (Default = 5 seconds).
  • Upload Ad Banners
    • Ad banners are displayed at the top right corner of every page on the Contractor Portal.
    • Upload as many banner images as you like. For best results, banner images should be a maximum of 468 pixels wide x 60 pixels high. 
    • Provide Href information if you would like your banner image to be clickable (i.e. the user will be taken to a new page when the banner image is clicked).
    • Provide Alt Text to be displayed when images are not enabled.

Contractor Setup

When Contractor Portal access is first enabled, no user has access to add any contractors to the portal. This is evident by the lock symbol next to the Customer Portal row on the Customer Maintenance screen:

To modify this, simply go to “Software Settings, Users”. Select the appropriate user (or Role), click on the Security tab and navigate to the Customer, Customer Maintenance folder:

You can clearly see that this user currently has no access to the Customer Portal.

Click all three boxes to give access to this function, then click OK to save your changes:

Now that you have given a user access to the Contractor Portal function, return to the Customer Maintenance screen. The lock symbol next to “Customer Portal” has been removed (if not, log out of Decor Fusion and back in to reset security settings).

Once the lock symbol has been removed from the Customer Portal row and you click on the down arrow, you will see a another new row that says “Portal Active”. The default setting for this checkbox is unchecked.

To give this customer access to the Contractor Portal, simply check this box. Doing so will display one more row. Enter the email address of this customer in “Portal Logon”.

If you have been setup to allow Contractor Portal payments, you will see an additional row below “Portal Logon” that says “Allow Portal Payments”. Check this box if you would like this give this customer the ability to pay their invoices on the portal.

Click OK to save your changes.

During the Contractor Portal overnight process, this new customer’s information, all invoices, and up to the last 12 months of statements will be uploaded to the portal.

In addition, this customer will receive a welcome email from the Contractor Portal detailing how to log on. They must change the assigned temporary password before they may use the Contractor Portal.


  • Contractors must first be given permission to make payments through the portal by setting the appropriate check box described above.
  • Payments made through the Contractor Portal are all done using a credit card. For convenience, contractors can choose to securely store their credit card on file which will speed up the payment process in the future.
  • Contractors now have five payment options:

  • Help for contractors is available through the “Need Help?” link on the Contractor Portal:

Troubleshooting Tips

Question:  I have set up a contractor in Decor Fusion and E-mail was supposed to reach the contractor by the next day and it never did.  What can I do to resubmit the Welcome e-mail?


One of two things can be done.  
First you can call the CBC Computer Systems Support department and provide the e-mail(s) and Welcome e-mails will be resubmitted, or you can open Contractor Portal website link enter the contractor's e-mail address and select the forgot password link.  The contractor will receive an e-mail asking to set a new password.

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