Return Purchase Orders

Last modified at March 14th, 2022


This document shows how to create and complete a return type purchase order.


The purpose of a return type purchase order is to return product back to the vendor or remove from inventory. The costs and quantities will be negative when doing a return type purchase order.

To create a return type purchase order follow the steps below:

  • Click the Purchase Order button on the toolbar along the top of Decor Fusion
  • Enter POS Code then enter the Vendor
  • Select Return Type in the Purchase Order Type drop down

  • Enter required items to be returned until total is correct
  • Click F5-Save button

In order to to receive and complete the return type purchase order follow the steps below:

  • Click PO Search button along the top of Decor Fusion
  • Find the correct purchase order, they will be grouped by type so all returns should be grouped together
  • Double click on the Return PO, enter POS code and then click on the F4-Receive button
  • Choose quantity ordered option in receive box and enter relevant supplier reference in reference field, click OK.
  • Click F5-Complete button to complete the return PO

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