Copying purchase order created for wrong store

Last modified at May 22nd, 2023


This article outlines how to copy an existing purchase order that was created and saved for the wrong store. This is most helpful in situations where the purchase order is large in size and re-creating it would take more than a few minutes.

Note: The Purchase order import functionality is only availab eon Decor version or later. If you are not on this version you will need to update Decor first.



Below is an example purchase order that was created under store CBC Decorating – Kissimmee. This was mistakenly created for the wrongstore and should be for CBC Decorating – North Orlando. Because the purchaseorder has been saved, the Store can no longer be changed. However, it is possible to copy the contents of the purchase order and recreate a new version of the purchase order for the right location. 



To copy the purchase order, press F8 – Print on the right-handside of Decor, then press Cancel on the print dialogue box to bring up a Print Preview of the Purchase Order:



Then, press the Export button on the top left of the toolbar:



Name the file as desired and change the Save As Typeto .xls:



Now that the purchase order has been saved as an excel file,open the file to see the contents. While Excel spreadsheets can be imported forPurchase Orders, this export is not formatted in a way that can be directlyimported. Instead, you will need to copy the portion of the spreadsheet that has the item number and quantity ordered onto a new spreadsheet. Here’s what the excel file looks like:



Select the contents of the Item Number, Description, and Quantity columns, then press Find & Select > Go To Special… from the Excel toolbar:



Change the button to select Constants, as shown in the screenshot below. This will update your selection within Excel so that only cells with data in them are copied.


After pressing OK, the selection will look like this:



Copy (Ctrl+C) this, then create a new Excel spreadsheet(Ctrl+N) and paste (Ctrl+V) the selection on to the spreadsheet:


There are now five things required in Excel before the fileis ready for import:


1.       Change the name of the Item Number cell to Item

2.       Change the name of the Quantity cell to Order

3.       Press Merge & Center button at the top of the Excel toolbar

4.       Move the Description column and its contents to column B and the Order column and its contents to column C

5.       Save the spreadsheet


Once the five items above are complete, the spreadsheet should look like this:



Now in Decor, create a new Purchase Order for the intended store. Then, right click within the grid and select Import (Excel).


Locate the Excel spreadsheet you just created and import it:


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