Edit Inventory Prompt Groups

Last modified at February 16th, 2023


Inventory Prompt Groups dictate prompts that appear when an item is entered at the point of sale. This article shows how to create, edit and delete these prompt groups.


Inventory Prompt Groups can be created, edited, and deleted through Edit > Software Settings > Inventory > Prompt Groups.



The Prompt Group Vinyl Flooring will be used as anexample. It currently has three prompts enabled:


1.       Color

2.       Style

3.       Location



This is what the prompt group looks like on the Point of Sale: 



If you want to add an additional prompt (example: TileSize), just click on the blank text box and type in the name of the new prompt:



In addition to the name of the prompt, there are 4 other fields to select:


1.       Type:Choose whether the prompt type is Character or Numeric. Numeric means that you can only enter numbers (0-9) in the prompt

2.       Restricted Valid List: Optionally restrict the prompt to only allow specific inputs.For our example, the list for Tile Size has been set to 12x12 or 24x24


Now when you select this prompt at the Point of Sale, the Tile Size only lets you pick between the options of 12x12 and 24x24



3.       Print:Check this box if you want the prompt choice to print on the receipt

4.       Use with PO: Check this box if you want the prompt to be selectable when doing a Purchase Order

·        It is likely that a prompt such as Location would not have this checked off, as the Location the flooring is being used is irrelevant when ordering the product. However, it is likely that the Color prompt would be checked off to ensure the proper color is ordered


If you want to delete a prompt from a group, click on the prompt, then press the Delete key on your keyboard. A confirmation box will appear you want to remove the prompt. In this example the Location prompt is being deleted:



Press Yes, the prompt will disappear, then press OK to save.For example, after deleting the prompt and pressing OK, going back into the Vinyl Flooring prompt now shows:


1.       Color

2.       Style

3.       TileSize

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