AP Clearing vs AP Vouchering

Last modified at March 29th, 2021


This purpose of this document is to help users understand the differences between the two methods for tracking purchases in Decor Fusion, AP Clearing and AP Vouchering.


First let’s start by defining the two types of AP tracking in Decor.


AP Clearing: Provides a snapshot of the assets and liabilities on the company balance sheet. Once inventory is received via the Inventory Transaction or Purchase Order screen Decor Fusion debits the appropriate inventory account(s) and credits the AP Clearing account. These numbers are then exported via the GL Summary Report and then imported into the accounting system. When the bookkeeper is entering the Vendor invoices into the accounting system, the Accounts Payable account is credited while the AP Clearing account is debited.

AP Vouchering: Creates an AP Voucher for a Vendor which can be imported into the accounting system. Nice inventory has been received via the Purchase Order screen, a user with permissions can then enter the AP Voucher screen and make sure the Invoiced Unit Cost and the Received Amount match the Vendors invoice. At this point, Tax, Freight and any other miscellaneous footer charges can be added in order to make the voucher match the Vendors invoice.

AP Clearing Setup

Go to Edit  menu then select Software Settings. Expand the Company and Stores section, then select Stores. Select the appropriate store and click the Properties button or double click the store.

Click the GL Accounts tab and navigate to the AP Control account and make sure it is empty. Then set the AP Clearing to the matching account in accounting package. Click OK button when finished to save.

AP Voucher Setup

Go to Edit menu then select Software Settings. Expand Company and Stores section and select the Stores option. Select appropriate store and click the Properties button or double click on the store. Click the GL Accounts tab and navigate t AP Clearing account and make sure it is empty. Then set the AP Control account t the proper Accounts Payable account from accounting package. Click the OK button when finished.

Next, the vendors in Decor Fusion will need to be setup to export. Click the Vendors toolbar button and click the Search button to bring up all the vendors. Select a Vendor and click the Properties button or just double click the Vendor in the list. Under the Miscellaneous section of, make sure Export Vendor is checked. The vendor Terms will also need to match the terms setup in accounting software. There are two methods for matching the Vendor in Decor Fusion with the accounting software’s vendor.

  • Match the Vendor Number field in Decor Fusion with the Vendors Name in the accounting software. When the AP Vouchers are exported, the Memo field in the file will have the PO Number and the Name field will have the Vendor NumberNote: This is only available for QuickBooks.

  • Match the AP Vendor Number field in Decor Fusion to the Vendor Number in the accounting software.

Click the OK button when finished. Note: This will need to be done for every vendor in Decor Fusion which is to be exported.

AP Clearing Export Procedure

To export the AP Clearing values, go to the Reports menu and click Reports Selector. Expand the Accounting Reports section and double click the General Ledger Summary report. Specify the Reporting Period to be exported and click the Export button. Select the location to save the exported file and click the Save button.

Note: The day the goods are received would be the day the GL Accounts will be affected.

Note: The Purchase Order cannot be edited after the GL Summary Report has been exported.

AP Voucher Export Procedure

Upon receiving the vendors invoice for the product received, go to Daily Work menu then select A/P Voucher Entry. Select the proper Vendor and select a Receiving Period. Other criteria including Purchase Order, Receipt Reference, Invoice Number, and Batch Number can be used to filter the results. Click the Magnifying glass button to search.

Select the voucher to update by double clicking it. This will open the AP Voucher Entry screen. Fill in the Invoice Number, Invoice Date, and Due Date. The Received column, Invoiced Unit Cost, and Footer Charges can be edited in order to match the vendors invoice. Items can also be added to the voucher. Once everything is filled in click the Save  button.

To export the AP Vouchers, go to Reports menu then select Report Selector. Expand the Purchasing section and double click the Purchase Journal. Select the proper Reporting Period and click the Export button. Select the location to save the exported file and click the Save button.

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