Re-Print, Email or Delete an Existing Payment

Last modified at May 6th, 2020


This document was prepared to offer a brief ‘How To’ for three important features within Decor Fusion, specific to Customer Payments.


The re-print, email or delete an Existing Payment features are located by selecting Customers from the Menu Bar, entering the Customer number and selecting Credit/Collections tab. The Delete feature may have to be activated in the user security profile to be available. This is described further in the document.

Select the Payment for review by double clicking it.

A new window will display showing a detail of all the invoices paid by that payment, along with the Print, Email, Delete buttons, which will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Select Print to re-print a Payment Receipt or Invoice.

Select Email to resend Payment Receipt by Email.

If Delete a payment is not active you must ensure you are authorized to do so. This can be reviewed by click on Edit,SoftwareSettings and then Users. Select the appropriate user and expand the Daily Work and Payment Entry area. Activate the Delete Payment feature.

Select the Delete button to permanently delete payment from customer’s history.

If a customer requires a report detailing the application of the payment, the following report can be generated.

From the menu, select Reports and the Report Selector. Under the Daily Reports heading select Accounts Payments Journal.

From the Selections screen select the time period for reporting then select Advanced Filter.

Enter the Customer Number and AddFilter, then click Preview the Accounts Payments Journal.

This report will detail the payments for the selected period in full detail.

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