Exporting from Cloud

Last modified at May 12th, 2023



This document outlines the process of exporting files from Decor Cloud onto your local PC.





When exporting a file/report from the Cloud you will be presented with a File Explorer window.


By default this will point to the Cloud directory in order to save the file you must navigate from there to your local PC.  

Selecting \\tsclient\C will navigate to your local C drive, from there you can continue to your desired save location.  For instance, to navigate to the Desktop we would follow the path of \\tsclient\C Users\yourusername\Desktop.


Alternatively for ease of access a folder can be placed on the C drive commonly named Cloud or Fusion Exports and all files from Decor can be saved in there.  



Once a save location is selected Décor will default to that location on subsequent exports.   


Note: The save location is only remembered when exporting reports and the General ledger.

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