Receive a Purchase Order with an EDI ASN (856) Issued

Last modified at March 8th, 2022


This document will outline the process for receiving a purchase order which has had an EDI ASN (Advanced Ship Notice or EDI 856 document) issued for it.


  1. Open the Purchase Order in Decor Fusion.  Enter your POS Code. The status should be ASN Issued.  Click the ‘Receive button’

Fig 1.

  1. In the receiving window which opens, enter the Supplier Reference Number and change the ‘Set Quantities To’ to the ‘ASN Quantity’ option.  Click the ‘Ok’ button.

Fig 2.

  1. This will set the update the ‘Recv’, ‘Unit Cost’ and ’Extension’ columns based on the information sent to Decor Fusion by the supplier’s EDI ASN document.

  2. When done reviewing the Purchase Order, click the ‘Complete’ button to finish receiving.

Fig 3.

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