EDI ASN (856) – Receive Item Not in Inventory

Last modified at March 8th, 2022


This document will outline how to handle items which are not in your inventory when using an EDI 856 ASN (Advance Shipping Notice).  When you receive an EDI 856 document from a supplier and the item is not found in your inventory based on its 12-digit UPC, Decor Fusion will create a non-Inventory item with the UPC or the Part Number/SKU with a star on the end.  The description will be ‘EDI 856 NonInventory Item’.  For reference, a non-inventory item in Decor Fusion is a way to sell (or receive) product without having an actual item in the inventory.  


  1. In the Purchase Order Screen, you can identify the items which are not in your system as they have an asterisk at the end of the value in the Item column.

    Fig 1.

  1. Navigate to the Inventory Maintenance screen and create the new item while leaving the Purchase order screen open.  Use the Unit Cost from the Purchase Order as the Standard Cost, Average Cost, and Last Cost (PO Cost as well if you use this feature).

  2. Go back to the Purchase Order screen that you were previously working in and add a new line with the item you just created.  Set the Order Quantity, Received Quantity, Unit Cost, Received Cost to match that of the line which is a non-inventory item with matching UPC.

Fig 2.

  1. Delete the non-inventory item row on the Purchase Order by clicking on the row and hitting the ‘delete’ or ‘DEL’ key on your keyboard. You will get a warning.  Click the ‘Yes’ button.

Fig 3.

  1. Complete the Purchase Order when you are done correcting any other issues.

Fig 4.

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