Allow Quick Cash Sales

Last modified at March 10th, 2023



This article explains how Allow Quick Cash Sales works within Decor Fusion. 


This setting is found by following these steps:


1.       Goto Edit > Software Settings

2.       Click the arrow next to Company and Stores to show options

3.       Select Company Settings

4.       Goto Point of Sale tab – see setting Allow Quick Cash Sales

Graphical user interface, text, application

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When this setting is disabled, it affects the functionality of POS Order Entry. When you open POS Order Entry, you are always first prompted for a POS Code. After entering a POS Code, you are prompted for the Customer.When Allow Quick Cash Sales is unchecked, if you press ENTER with the Customer field blank, nothing will happen as you are required to specify a customer. In other words, having Allow Quick Cash Sales unchecked means that a Customer is always required at the Point of Sale.



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When Allow Quick Cash Sales is enabled, if you leave the Customer field blank and press ENTER, the Customer of CASH is populated and you can proceed with the Order Entry


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