Mass Deleting Contractor Pricing for Customers

Last modified at August 16th, 2023



This document outlines the process of mass deleting special pricing for either a single customer or multiple using excel.   




We must first export the special pricing for the customer(s)we are looking delete the special pricing for via Pricing→Price Import/Export and select Contract Prices. From here you can select All customers or a specific customer depending on what you are looking to adjust. 






Once exported the items you wish to delete simply need to have their descriptions changed to DELETE in the excel spread sheet. 


This process can be optimized by copying pasting delete into multiple columns if looking to delete a large amount of special pricing simultaneously.  

Once updated be sure to save and close the excel file return to Decor, select Pricing → Price Import/Export>Import and Upload Data.  The New Value for the item should be listed as (Delete).


Selecting Commit Changes will delete all appropriately marked items from Special Pricing.

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