Processing Donations in Decor Fusion

Last modified at September 12th, 2022


This document goes over how to handle product donations to charity within Decor Fusion.


This document requires the use of the Store Use customer. To check if this customer exists go to Customers button at the top of Decor and enter STORE in customer number field then click search. If this account pulls up proceed through this doc, if not then please follow the How to process mistints document for how to set this up. This document can be found on the Decor Fusion Learning Center under the Inventory Module. Link to learning center is here:

Processing the Donation

  1. Go to POS screen and enter POS code.
  2. Enter STORE for customer.
  3. For the Job, select Donations.
  4. Enter in items to be donated, the Unit price should be 0 as should the invoice total.

  1. Click F4-Complete and select the Z-Administrative method of tender. Total tendered should equal $0.


Similar to mistints, the same reporting tools are available to report on Donations in Decor. To access go to Reports→User Queries. Then double click the Customer Detailed Sales query. 


Enter STORE in the customer filter field and specify the desired date range using the From and To date fields. Then click Run Query  button.

Report will look similar to this:

In order to filter on just donations, click on the filter icon in the job column and select Donations.

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