Using Find Text in Reports

Last modified at March 17th, 2023


This article explains how to use the Find Text feature that is built into Decor Fusion Reports. 


Find Text is accessed by pressing CTRL + F on your keyboard or by clicking the binoculars icon at the top of the report.



The Find Text feature looks like this: 


Here is an example Sales Journal Report that the Find Text feature can be used on:



To search with Find Text, simply type in whatever you would like to find within the report and press Find Next. For example, we are searching for 4305 to see if there were any sales done for Sales Account 4305:



Notice the text surrounded by a red box – that is what Find Text found. Pressing Find Next again will result in the following pop-up, as there are no more occurrences of 4305 in the report:



Find Text can be used when you only partially know what you are looking for. For example, if you knew there was an item ordered that started with 10, but you do not remember the rest of the item number,you can just type 10 into the Find Text search.



The first result is the Store, because 101– CBC Decorating – North Orlando contains the text 10. The second Result is Date 9/27/2022 10:04:34AM, because that timestamp contains the text 10The third result, and the one we are looking for, is the Item on the second order: 10-6/05

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