Changing Invoice Form Properties

Last modified at October 10th, 2022


This article reviews how to edit Properties for an existing Invoice Form.


1.       Go to Edit > Software Settings

2.       Click the arrow next to Point of Sale and select Invoice Forms

3.       Choose an Invoice Form from the list and select Properties.

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The following settings page will appear:

Graphical user interface, application

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Explanation for each field:


  • Description: Name of the Invoice
  • Document Type: Either Invoice or Receipt. Cannot be edited, only chosen when creating a new entry
  • Document Style: Only applies when the Document Type is Invoice. Options are Standard or No Line or Boxes. When set to No Line or Boxes, Invoices will look like this:


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  • Custom Document: Upload a created template document to use for the Invoice(this is created by development and is usually chargeable)

Document Heading Settings

  • Number of Copies: How many copies of the invoice should print
  • Print Bar Coded Document Number: When enabled, includes a barcode for the Invoice below the Tender details on the invoice


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  • Print Store Tax Number: When enabled, includes the tax number at the top of the Invoice

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  • Print Customer Tax Exempt Number: When enabled, if the Customer is tax exempt, their tax exempt number will print at the top of the Invoice, below the Sold To box:

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  • Print On Top of Form: Choose between the following settings:
    • Nothing – does not print anything additional on top of the form
    • Store Logo – includes the logo on top of the form
    • Store Logo No Address – includes the logo on top of the form without the address to the right of the logo
    • Store Name/Address – includes the store name and address on top of the form without the logo
  • Email On Top of Form: Same as Print On Top of Form for when the invoice is emailed
  • Print Watermark: When enabled, if a copy of the Invoice is printed, a Copy watermark will be included


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Document Line Settings

  • Print Decimal Quantities: When enabled, Quantities will have 2decimals. For example, a quantity of 1 would be 1.00
  • Print List Price: When enabled, the item’s List Price will be included in it’s own column (see above screenshot)
  • Print Line Discount %: When enabled, includes a column for each item’s discount percentage


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Document Footer Settings

  • Print Total Discount Message: When enabled, includes a line for Total Discount Savings in the footer


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  • Print Captured Signatures: When enabled and a Signature Capture device is being used, the customer’s signature will be displayed on the invoice

Packing Slip Settings

  • Print Priced Packing Slips: When enabled, includes item price on the packing slip
  • Packing Slip Number of Copies: How many copies of the packing slip should print

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