Software Settings Overview

Last modified at July 4th, 2023



This document outlines the various headings in Software Settings.


To access Software settings, go to Edit→SoftwareSettings.  Some the menus can be expanded by clicking the chevron (˃) to reveal sub-menus. 


Company and Stores


Contains general information as well settings that apply both globally and store specific.  Includes company address(es) along with setup for company email, general invoice setups and store logo template.     




Allows for the management of customer types, terms statement forms and reporting groups. 


General Ledger


List of all GL accounts used in Decor Fusion

Point of Sale


Allows for the management of most settings and configurations related to the Point of Sale screen, as well as operating additional features like deliveries and cash tills.   




Allows for the management of different tax codes, jurisdictions,and exemption groups.




Contains various levels of classification for inventory as well as user classified groups that provide additional configurations to separate out inventory further.




Similar to the customer menu, allows for the management of terms, reporting groups and charges as they relate to vendors.


Workstation Configuration


Holds the workstation specific setups for each licensed workstation, including default printers, credit card devices, cash drawers etc.    




Includes the specific user permissions for each user setup in Decor Fusion


Email Body


Contains editable templates for various emails used in Decor Fusion


Handheld Devices


Retains the configuration for any delivery tablets used alongside the delivery app. 

(Only present when handheld delivery feature is active)


Contractor Portal

(Only present when Contractor Portal feature is active)


Contains the configuration for the Contractor Portal feature(for Epicor use only). 




Includes user-identifiable calendar names and codes for usein the CRM calendar.

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