Customer history and invoice lookup security settings

Last modified at July 4th, 2023


This provides a brief explanation of how to enable and disable both Customer History and Invoice Lookup for individual users through User Security.



There is one security setting that controls whether users can access Customer History and Invoice Lookup.


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If a user does not have access to either of these features in Decor, they will receive the following error:


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To enable or disable these features, follow these steps:


1.    Go to Edit > Software Settings

2.    Go to the Users tab

3.    Select the User you would like to edit and press Properties (or double-click on the user)

4.    Go to the Security tab

5.    Expand the Daily Work section, then check (or uncheck) Customer History SearchA screenshot of a computer

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When the Allow checkbox is checked, both Customer History and Invoice Lookup can be accessed. When the Allow checkbox is unchecked, neither can be accessed. There is no way to access only one or the other. 


For more information on User Security, see

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