Accept Backorder Vendor Setting

Last modified at March 17th, 2023


This article explains how Accept Backorders functions within Vendor Maintenance. 


To access this setting in Decor Fusion:


1.       Goto Vendors > Vendor Maintenance

2.       Enterthe name of a Vendor to view their settings

·        This example will look at vendor Ppg Industries (PPG)

3.       Under the Properties > Miscellaneous tab, see Accept Backorder checkbox

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When Accept Backorder is not checked off, you cannot specify a backorder (B/O) quantity when receiving an order:

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This means that all Purchase Orders must be completed in full when being received.


When Accept Backorder is checked off, you can specify a backorder amount when receiving a Purchase Order:

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In the above example, when 5 of the 20 ordered items have been received, you can subsequently reopen the same Purchase Order and it will show that there are still 15 items on order (backordered):


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