How Do I Export the Inventory Search Grid?

Last modified at March 9th, 2021

Most grids in the Decor Fusion software are exportable. This allows for some interesting reporting capabilities where these grids exist. One such grid is in the Inventory search screen.

This screen can be accessed one of two ways, either by the clicking the large Inventory button at the top of Decor Fusion or by going to the Inventory menu at the top of Decor and selecting Inventory Maintenance.

Once in the Inventory Search screen click the Search button on the right to search on all inventory. This will load all items into the grid. If you like the default view that is shown then right click in the grid where the items are displayed and select the Export option, then choose the type of file you wish to export (pdf,excel,etc.).

If you wish to change the columns shown, right click on the column headings at the top and select the Column Chooser option. This will allow you to add and remove desired columns.

Once the desired columns are selected, follow the steps above to print or export the data.

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