Use The Same Email for Multiple Portal Logons

Last modified at September 19th, 2023


This document will outline the steps to allow you to use the same email address for multiple customer portal logons.   

Technical Info

 Certain email server systems allow for a plus sign “+” and then a tag value to be added after the email address. An example would be if you added the tag “Epicor” to email address you would get The email server system would ignore characters starting at the plus sign, up to the at-sign “@”.  The end result would be the email being interpreted as


Supporting Email Platforms

 The customer’s email needs to be either Gmail or (including Hotmail accounts)


In Decor Fusion, navigate to Customer Maintenance of a specific customer.  Expand the Customer Portal section and add an email with a plus sign and a tag in Portal Logon. Note that this field has a 50-character limit and must be unique compared to all other Customer Portal Logons.

Fig. 1

 When you sign into the eCommerce/Customer Portal, you will need to sign in with the email address as it shows in the portal logon field including the +tag.



Fig. 2

 All communications will be sent to the one email address. Here is a screenshot of a Gmail account with two eCommerce orders done with different customers using the same email address (one with a +tag and one without).



 Fig. 3

 You can also sign up on our e-Commerce site using an email with a +tag.


 Fig. 4




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