Perform a Cycle Count Physical Inventory

Last modified at August 15th, 2023


This document shows how to complete a Cycle Count physical inventory within Decor Fusion using the Physical Inventory Wizard.


To start open the Physical Inventory Wizard.

1.    Click on Inventory menu then select Physical Inventory Wizard.

2.    Click Set Up for New Physical button.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

3.    The screen below appears where you will need input all the details of the physical inventory to be performed.

4.    You will need to enter the following:

  • A valid Description pertaining to the physical count.
  • Select the Store (especially important in a multistore environment).
  • Enter the Date the Physical took place on

o    The history line will be entered on the date above at 23:59:59 or 11:59:59 PM. This may factor into the date used on the inventory to ensure that the history line is injected accurately on the inventory items.

5.    Select the Type of Count that is being performed, in this case a cycle count. The rest of the steps are the same as doing a full count inventory as shown in the article: How to perform a Physical Inventory - Decor Fusion (

o    Cycle Count – allows the count to be based upon criteria such as Department,Fine Line, Class, Inventory Group or Vendor; all items not counted will set theon-hand amount to 0.


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