Monthly rollup invoices

Last modified at February 15th, 2023



Monthly Rollup Invoices consolidate all On Account POS transactions within a specified date range into a single invoice with multiple lines. With this option, invoices do not need to be kept open for the month and the process of issuing invoices is automated and secure. Keep in mind that not all On Account customers should use this setting, as some customers may try to take advantage of the environment to extend their terms.




The first step to integrating Monthly Rollup Invoices into your business is to call the Decor Fusion Support Team to activate the feature.


Once the feature is added, there will be two relevantSecurity Settings (see needed) that can be edited for each user. Those settings are as follows:


1.       Security> Customer > Monthly Rollup Invoice

·        Checking Allow will grant the user access to the functionitself

2.       Security> Daily Work > POS > Roll Up Invoice

·        Checking Allow will give the user the ability to overridethe payment method at the POS


With Security Settings updated for relevant Users, you can now select the Customers whose invoices will rollup through Customer Maintenance.


1.       Select the Customer you would like to enable Monthly Rollup Invoice for

2.       Under the Properties tab, expand the Statement section

3.       Click the checkbox for Monthly Rollup Invoice to enable


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Note in the above screenshot that you can also adjust the statement Delivery method. The options for delivery method are Print, Email, Both, or None – this customer is set to Print.


Remember that the payment method can only be overridden at the POS when working with an open ticket. Additionally, since the default payment method is On Account, you want to make sure that the customer has the proper credit limit established. To update the Credit Limit, go tot he Credit/Collections tab within Customer Maintenance and edit the numeric value on the right-hand side:


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With the Monthly Rollup Invoices active, each POS transaction will now generate a Packing Slip rather than an Invoice:Timeline

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You can override the feature in the POS screen by uncheckingRoll Up Invoice using the Miscellaneous (F3) function:

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If you uncheck the Roll Up Invoice checkbox, the On Account sale will now issue an Invoice as opposed to a Packing Slip. If the POS user does not have access to this functionality, a manager (or any user with appropriate security permissions) can enter their POS code to uncheck the Rollup Invoice checkbox:


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Prior to generating Monthly Rollup Invoices, you can view the customer’s aging through the Customer Maintenance > Aging tab:


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You can double click on a Packing Slip to bring up the Order Details:

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In the bottom-right under Account Charges you can see (Pending Rollup) which indicates that the packing slip has not been rolled up. If Signature Pads are being used, you would see the signature on the left-hand side.


When it’s time to issue the customer an invoice, go to Customers > Generate Monthly Rollup Invoices to display all packing slips that have not yet been rolled up:

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If you don’t want a packing slip to be included in the Monthly Rollup until a later date, simply uncheck the Select Record checkbox. The Cutoff Date will be the date on the rolled up invoice. Typically, the cutoff date is the month end date. When the information is setup as desired, click on Generate Selected Records in the bottom-right.


If Print these invoices? Is checked off, you will be prompted for a printer. Once the Monthly Rollup Invoice processing is complete, a popup will appear:


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Once the Packing Slips have been rolled up, they will show as one consolidated Monthly Rollup in the Customer Maintenance >Aging tab:


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If you double click this entry, you can see the history ofthe packing slip transactions that were rolled up into the one transaction:Table

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Additionally, the Monthly Rollup will be added to the History tab, where you can also still see each individual Packing Slip. After being issued, the packing slips do not affect the balances on the screen and are there for informational purposes only:

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To disable Monthly Rollup Invoices for a customer, you first should ensure that all outstanding packing slips have been rolled up first by checking Generate Monthly Rollup Invoices. Once the customer has no outstanding packing slips, simply uncheck the Monthly Rollup Invoice checkbox in Customer Maintenance > Properties:

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If you would like to view a report that is not customer-specific for Monthly Rollup Invoices, go to Reports > Report Selector > Customer Reports > Aged Analysis:

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